File Type: MP4
黒子除去 Mole Removal with electrosurgery using the Ellman Surgitron device
黒子除去 Mole Removal with electrosurgery using the Ellman Surgitron device (33 downloads)黒子除去-Mole-Removal-with-electrosurgery-using-the-Ellman-Surgitron-device.mp4
Wart, Verruca Removal – Radiowave Surgery Englang UK
Wart, Verruca Removal - Radiowave Surgery Englang UK (31 downloads)
TempSure_Surgical_Bleph_60sec_Cut_Final (28 downloads)
Surgitron Media1
Surgitron Media1 (46 downloads)
Surgitron Media2
Surgitron Media2 (38 downloads)
Surgitron Setup Video
Surgitron Setup Video (28 downloads)
Surgitron Procedure Video
Surgitron Procedure Video (30 downloads)
Excision of Pigmented Lip Lesion
Excision of Pigmented Lip Lesion (34 downloads)